45 BISp Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2015 16 Training unter artifizieller Hypoxie 10 Literatur Ausführliche Literaturliste beim Verfasser Bartsch P Dehnert C Friedmann Bette B Tadibi V 2008 Intermittent hypoxia at rest for improvement of athletic perfor mance Scandinavian journal of medicine science in sports 18 1 50 56 Bonetti D L Hopkins W G 2009 Sea level exercise performance following adapta tion to hypoxia a meta analysis Sports medicine 39 107 127 Faiss R Girard O Millet G P 2013 Advanc ing hypoxic training in team sports from intermittent hypoxic training to repeated sprint training in hypoxia British journal of sports medicine 47 1 i45 i50 Girard O Amann M Aughey R Billaut F Bishop D J Bourdon P Buchheit M Chapman R D Hooghe M Garvican Lewis L A Gore C J Millet G P Roach G D Sargent C Saunders P U Schmidt W Schumacher Y O 2013 Position statement altitude training for improv ing team sport players performance current knowledge and unresolved issues British journal of sports medicine 47 1 i8 i16 McLean B D Gore C J Kemp J 2014 Appli cation of live low train high for enhanc ing normoxic exercise performance in team sport athletes Sports medicine 44 1275 1287 Millet G P Faiss R Pialoux V 2012 Point Hypobaric hypoxia induces different physiological responses from normobaric hypoxia Journal of applied physiology 1985 112 1783 1784 Vogt M Puntschart A Geiser J Zuleger C Billeter R Hoppeler H 2001 Molecu lar adaptations in human skeletal muscle to endurance training under simulated hypoxic conditions Journal of applied physiology 91 173 182
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