jahrestagung 2015 basel 9 13 oktober160 Patiententag 11 Oktober 2015 Training Course SGH SSH 9 10 Oktober 2015 Training Course SGH SSH Freitag 9 Oktober 2015 10 00 11 15 Geneva 1 2 Ramada Hotel Hemostasis Vorsitz Tsakiris Dimitrios Basel CH Welcome Heim Dominik Basel CH 10 05 Hemophilia treatment beyond 2015 Martinez Maria Trinidad Basel CH 10 30 Platelet diagnostics in children Born or reborn Schmugge Markus Zürich CH 10 55 Antiplatelet drugs and bleeding How to treat Fontana Pierre Genève CH 11 30 12 30 Geneva 1 2 Ramada Hotel Iron Transfusion Medicine Vorsitz Infanti Laura Basel CH 11 30 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia Holbro Andreas Basel CH 12 00 Apheresis autologous stem cell mobilization Worel Nina Wien A 13 15 14 30 Geneva 1 2 Ramada Hotel Diagnostic Issues Vorsitz Stüssi Georg Bellinzona CH 13 15 New WHO explaining the world of hematological malignancies Dirnhofer Stephan Basel CH 13 40 NGS explained Lundberg Pontus Basel CH 14 05 Immunophenotyping minimal residual disease issues Fernandez Paula Aarau CH 14 45 15 45 Geneva 1 2 Ramada Hotel Case Presentations Vorsitz Manz Markus G Zürich CH 14 45 Case presentation 1 Medinger Michael Basel CH 15 00 Case presentation 2 Nair Gayathri Zürich CH 15 15 Case presentation 3 Arn Kornelius Luzern 16 CH 15 30 Case presentation 4 Simonetta Federico Genève CH

Vorschau Hauptprogramm 2015 Seite 162
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