EC Show Preview 2015 Seite 19

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European Coatings Show Preview December 2014 www european coatings show com 19 Focus Dr Hitesh K Soni Product Manager Epoxies Emerald Performance Materials talks at length about epoxy binder use The development of epoxy binders is also be ing influenced by more re cent trends such as greater use of electronic media  Which research trends do you think are interesting for epoxy coatings Dr Hitesh K Soni We are ob serving new ways to deliver a growing range of performance properties in industrial appli cations including aerospace automotive construction and protective coatings Manufac turers of high performance coatings can find it challenging to formulate for properties such as UV and chemical re sistance toughness combined with flexibility and retention of mechanical properties even in extreme temperatures We have set R D goals that reflect the industry s current needs for high performance epoxy resins and other thermoset materials Dr Hitesh K Soni Emerald Performance Materials No blushing fast curing Aerospace is one of the growing segments for epoxy coatings Resistance to chemical or other types of corrosion is an essential performance factor for numerous epoxy coatings We have therefore formulated many of our epoxy resins to de liver this critical performance along with characteristics such as toughness and chipping resistance For certain applica tions coatings must be capa ble of curing in cold climates where temperatures may fall below 0 C and of maintaining their mechanical properties in extreme temperatures One product that we developed specially for this purpose is a chemically modified liquid di glycidyl ether of a bis phenol this epoxy is intended for con crete and metal primers that can be applied in cold climates Given the demands of this ap plication we also factored in properties such as no blushing and fast curing  What special demands are there today Soni The growing popularity of certain specialty applica tions also means that we need to address new or emerging challenges For example ste reolithography or 3D print ing can pose difficulties as regards the toughness of the finished product shrinkage and thermal stability Fuel resistant coatings are another specialty application where end use performance is abso lutely critical These coatings used in places such as aircraft tanks must resist oil gasoline and aromatics that may come into contact with them during fuelling and yet they must also confer the long term durabil ity and adhesion that are also needed for demanding applica tions New technologies in this area are enabling us to meet these performance challenges often more safely than is pos sible with traditional solutions One example is an epoxidised meta xylene diamine which acts as an amine modifier for the epoxy resins used in fuel resistant coatings and primers and which boosts fuel resist ance and enhances toughness Yet other customers are seek ing alternatives to standard bis phenol A resins in certain applications A wide range of alternative epoxy chemistries is available to suit a range of application and performance needs xz Kaneka MS Polymer Kaneka Gemlac Kane Ace Acrylic Binders Kane Ace MX European Coatings Show 2015 Visit Kaneka at Hall 1 Booth 1 416 www kaneka be Dr Christoph Irle Bayer MaterialScience CO2 as raw material Looking into the future of polyurethane coatings Dr Christoph Irle Bayer MaterialScience comments on future challenges and demands on the polyure thane industry In his opin ion efficieny quality and sustainability are the most important future issues  Which problems regard ing PU based coatings must be solved through R D Dr Christoph Irle We develop solutions to resolve industry and market needs This im plies the continuous improve ment of products for existing PU markets to meet increasing requirements in terms of ef ficiency quality and sustain ability We strongly believe that all R D activities need to contribute to all aspects of sustainability in order to be successful in the end Re search therefore comprises challenging topics such as re newable feedstock for PU raw materials Besides developing new products our R D also targets to uncover applications outside the well known coat ings fields We are convinced that this does not only open new doors for us but also for our coatings and adhesive customers At the ECS we look forward to discuss PU systems for digital printing for example  Can the use of CO2 con tribute to a sustainable way of producing polyurethanes Irle PU coatings and adhe sives have ever been an indus try benchmark for productivity and in effect offer a signifi cantly positive impact on the carbon footprint of products and processes In addition to that we have been developing a new range of precursor mate rials for PU systems building on CO2 as raw material These poly ether carbonate diols will contribute to both properties and improved carbon footprint of respective materials We expect this innovation to be a major milestone in PU technol ogy An investment decision to build production assets has just been taken at our com pany  Which features of PU coat ings are future trends Irle All industries require con stant improvements of produc tivity and energy consumption faster curing cycles lower cur ing temperature fewer layers Different approaches to highly efficient systems are on our R D agenda and will be high lighted during the ECS There are also new challenges ahead arising from new concepts in the industry A typical example is the increased demand in high quality finishes for composite materials used in lightweight vehicles Another concept is the feature of self healing coatings These are just two examples of fields in which PU technology may be the key to solve newly arising market needs xz

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