European Coatings Show Preview December 2014 www european coatings show com 15 Focus Paint formulation possible after authorisation Paint manufacturers are waiting for approval of at least ten biocides Since September 2013 the EU regulation on biocides is applied Dr Burkard Watermann LimnoMar explains what this regula tion means for paint manu facturers in terms of formu lation and testing Since September 2013 the EU regulation on bioc ides is applied What does this mean for biocide con taining products Dr Burkard Watermann For active substances to be incorporated into products and placed on the market applicants have to submit comprehensive dossiers re garding human and environ mental toxicological aspects including risk assessment After authorisation the bio cide will be included into a positive list of approved active substances published in the annex to the Directive by ECHA In the future exclu sively approved substances can be used for biocidal product authorisation With which major prob lems are manufacturers confronted and what is most important to consider in pro ducing biocide containing products Watermann One of the major problems for paint manufac turers is caused by the actual delay of biocide approval Up to now two active sub stances dichloro octyliso thiazolinone and Zineb have been approved in PT21 and manufacturers are waiting for the decision on approxi mately ten biocides for which dossiers have been submit ted with pending decision for more than two years As each biocide has to be incorporat ed in a suitable coating paint formulation depends heavily on physico chemical proper ties of the biocide Reason able selection of biocides for paint formulation can only start after authorisation and inclusion into the annex In which way is this regulation influencing the way manufacturers have to conduct tests for antifouling coatings and biocides Watermann Concerning PT21 TNsG have been intensively discussed and a draft has been submitted for final agreement There will be a necessity for the approval of biocidal antifouling prod ucts to conduct simulated field tests and or field tests to prove the efficacy of the product in fouling preven tion The tests have to be conducted according to standard protocols and under clearly defined condi Dr Burkard Watermann LimnoMar As the environment changes Reichhold remains committed to developing resins that yield maximum performance yet clean up with soap and water BECKOSOL AQ is a platform of low VOC alkyd latex resins made from renewable resources From wood stains to metal primers BECKOSOL AQ is the natural selection AQ 521 Porous Concrete Sealer AQ 510 Wood Multi purpose Blacktop Sealer AQ 400 Non highway Pavement Markings AQ 522 Porous Concrete Stone Sealer AQ 205 General Purpose Wood Primer AQ 102 Wood Wiping Stain AQ 101 Exterior Wood Stain AQ 206 Wood Trim Enamel AQ 210 Industrial Metal Primer EUROPEAN COATINGS SHOW Hall 4 Stand 4 555 tions Fouling assessment has to be recorded accord ing to scoring and rating schemes of CEPE or ASTM by categorization of fouling coverage including fail and pass criteria Efficacy tests shall be presented for ma rine and freshwater products intended for amateur or pro fessional use on ships and aquaculture installations xz