25Prävention von Überlastungsverletzungen der Wurfschulter BISp Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2020 21 Luig P Krutsch W Nerlich M Henke T Klein C Bloch H Platen P Achen bach L 2018 Increased injury rates after the restructure of Germany s national second league of team handball Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthrosco py 26 7 1884 1891 Moller M Nielsen R O Attermann J Wedder kopp N Lind M Sorensen H Mykle bust G 2017 Handball Load and Shoul der injury rate a 31 week cohort study of 679 elite youth handball players British Journal of Sports Medicine 51 4 231 237 Myklebust G Engebretsen L Braekken I H Skjolberg A Olsen O E Bahr R 2003 Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female team handball players a prospective intervention study over three seasons Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 13 2 71 78
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