106 BISp Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2020 21 Feedback Optimierung im Skisprung 3 Literatur Arndt A Brüggemann G P Virmavirta M Komi P 1995 Techniques used by Olympic ski jumpers in the transition from takeoff to early flight Journal of Applied Biomechanics 11 2 224 237 Janura M Cabell L Svoboda Z Elfmark M Janurová E 2011 Analysis of the begin ning of the early flight phase of the ski jump in athletes with different perfor mance levels Acta Gymnica 41 3 7 13 Janura M Cabell L Svoboda Z Elfmark M Zahalka F 2011 Kinematic analysis of the take off and start of the early flight phase on a large hill HS 134 m during the 2009 Nordic world ski champion ships Journal of Human Kinetics 27 1 5 16 Jost B Coh M Janez P 2000 Analysis of correlation between selected kinematic variables of the take off and the lenght of the ski jump Proceedings of 18th ISBS 256 259 Ketterer J Gollhofer A Lauber B 2020 Bi omechanical agreement between differ ent imitation jumps and hill jumps in ski jumping Scandinavian Journal of Medi cine and Science in Sports 31 3 1 9 Lauber B Keller M 2014 Improving motor performance selected aspects of aug mented feedback in exercise and health European Journal of Sport Science 14 36 43 Müller W 2009 Determinants of ski jump performance and implications for health safety and fairness Sports Medicine 39 2 85 106 Schwameder H 2008 Biomechanics research in ski jumping 1991 2006 Sports Biome chanics 7 114 136 Virmavirta M Komi P V 1993 Measure ment of take off forces in ski jumping Part II Scandinavian Journal of Medicine Science in Sports 3 237 243 Vodičar J Jošt B 2010 The factor structure of chosen kinematic characteristics of take off in ski jumping Journal of Human Kinetics 23 1 37 45
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