70 Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 Method 4 2 Quality assurance To further improve the quality of the survey instrument systema tic changes were made to the questionnaire This was based on the concept of the Total Survey Errors cf Arbeitsgruppe Qualitäts standards 2014 which initially distinguishes between the dimen sions measurement and representation 4 3 Organisation survey With regard to a quality assured measurement it is necessary a to specify the constructs to be investigated b to operationalise the construct of interest as accurately as possible or appropriately in terms of content Arbeitsgruppe Qualitätsstandards 2014 p 12 and c to avoid errors in response behaviour 4 3 1 Measurement The constructs to be investigated in the organisational survey meso level are the public good character as well as the performance and survival of sports clubs in Germany and their determinants and correlates In comparison to the first waves of the Sport Develop ment Report which aimed in particular at comparability with pre vious club studies especially Heinemann Schubert 1994 Baur Braun 2001 2003 Emrich Pitsch Papathanassiou 2001 the re vision of the measurement instrument for the meso level in wave 7 gave top priority to validity Since there is a trade off between maximising validity and maximising comparability with previous studies this was done at the expense of comparability with previous studies The validity on the meso level the organisational survey of the clubs was increased in particular by the following measures The complete coverage of the construct of the common good was

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