63Individuals Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 Fig 18 Satisfaction of the board members with individual aspects of the activity 0 not satisfied at all to 10 extremely satisfied part 1 6 33 6 37 6 40 6 42 6 43 6 48 6 63 6 75 6 81 7 11 7 13 7 27 7 33 7 65 0 2 4 6 8 10 the condition of the sports facilities used by the club the support of new ideas the further qualification and training opportunities the appreciation of the activity as a whole the motivation of the participants in the club groups my physical fitness the technical support of the activities by the club the openness for criticism and suggestions for changes in the club the appreciation of the activity by the members of my club the sporting success of the club the equipment of the club groups with sports equipment sports material the flexible choice of operating times the cooperation within the club my performance as a ďŽĂƌĚaŵĞŵďĞƌ Mean value Satisfaction with

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