36 Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 Organisations On average the clubs rely most heavily on the takeover of costs for further and advanced training in order to relieve their volun teers and at the same time provide appropriate incentives Here the average strength of support for the coaches and trainers is higher M 3 74 than for the board members M 3 29 The coaches and trainers also receive much more support in the areas of expense al lowances M 2 87 vs M 2 11 travel allowances M 2 68 vs M 2 19 and the provision of sports clothing and sports shoes M 2 28 vs M 1 78 In contrast there are hardly any differences in the sup port of new ideas by the volunteers and in the area of honours and awards see Fig 11 If we also look at the distribution of the strength of the sup port benefits cf Fig 12 and Fig 13 it is noticeable that a good two thirds of the clubs rely very heavily on the takeover of costs for further and advanced training of volunteer coaches and trainers while this proportion for board members amounts to a good half of the clubs Furthermore it is noticeable that reductions in mem bership fees for volunteer coaches and trainers as well as for volun teer board members are not applied at all in almost two thirds and a good three quarters of the clubs Travel allowances and expense allowances are also not paid to honorary board members by more than half of the clubs The volunteer coaches and trainers have to get by in 31 of the clubs without any expense allowance and in 36 of the clubs they do not receive any travel allowances

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