73Method and sampling Sports clubs in Germany More than just exercise Club survey The sports clubs in Germany were surveyed online in the period from mid October to mid December 2017 for the seventh wave For this purpose the clubs were invited by email to take part in the survey using an individual link The email addresses were provided by the state sports confederations A total of 80 421 clubs were invit ed by email to take part in the survey as email addresses were not available for all the sports clubs in Germany This sample was again reduced by around 3 000 clubs that either could not be reached by email or actively refused to participate in the survey In order to in crease the club participation rate two reminder emails were sent out each of which led to an increase in the response rate A total of 19 889 sports clubs took part in the survey of the seventh wave which corresponds to a response rate of 25 7 cf Table 6 Table 6 Overview of the participation rates for the club survey Sport Development Report 2017 2018 N Proportion of Sample I in Proportion of Sample II in Population 89 594 Sample I 80 421 100 0 Incorrect email addresses person no longer active in the club club no longer exists disbanding refusals 3 073 Adjusted sample II 77 348 100 0 Interviews taken place 19 889 Participation in 22 2 24 7 25 7

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