50 Volunteer and paid work in sports clubs Sports clubs in Germany More than just exercise Coaches and trainers committed to their activities The majority of coaches and trainers plan to continue their activities in the future There are hardly any differences between the genders regarding short term plans As with satisfaction it is apparent that the willingness to take part in further training of already qualified coaches and trainers is much more pronounced than that of their colleagues without a qualification for their activity It seems to be easier to persuade coaches and trainers who have already received training to take part in a further qualification than to introduce Fig 14 Motives of coaches and trainers share of full agreement with the motives in 0 10 20 30 80 60 50 70 40 26 5 26 0 24 4 18 1 10 8 5 9 0 1 61 3 Share of full agreement with the motives in Personal development Sport success type of sport Recognition Material aspects Social environment Club community orientation Altruism values Social responsibility Fun 30 6

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