47Volunteer and paid work in sports clubs Sports clubs in Germany More than just exercise Situation of coaches and trainers Female coaches and trainers are more often qualified than their male colleagues Compared to the board members more coaches and trainers are qualified for their work Around 60 of the coaches and trainers are in possession of a currently valid licence of the German sports system Women are more likely to have a licence than men who are more likely to have a licence that is no longer valid than women In addition about 6 state that they have completed a degree in sports Fig 12 Training of coaches and trainers 60 4 10 7 6 2 5 8 4 2 2 8 21 8 Share in I have completed a training course from a commercial provider I have completed a training course from a federation or state sports confederation without a licence I do not have any training for my job in sports I have a no longer valid licence from a federation or state sports confederation as a trainer or coach I have a degree in sports science I have completed another training course for my activity in sport I have a currently valid licence from a federation or state sports confederation as a trainer or coach 0 10 20 30 70 60 50 40
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