17Initial situation background of the Sport Development Report Sports clubs in Germany More than just exercise The Sport Development Report for Germany which has been con ducted since 2005 under the direction of the German Sport Uni versity Cologne represents a further development of the Financial and Structural Analyses of German Sport FISAS The aim of the nationwide survey of sports clubs in Germany is to provide deci sion makers in organised sport with knowledge for argumentation and action The aim is to strengthen the competitiveness of organ ised sport which is confronted with a wide range of problems as a result of social developments such as individualisation increased commercialisation and a changing working environment The seventh wave of the Sport Development Report rep resents a further expansion over the previous reports as central stakeholders were surveyed in addition to the clubs themselves The present report therefore contains the results of the club survey as well as the results of the survey of coaches and trainers as well as board members The stakeholder surveys will be continued in the following waves and include a survey of club members as well as referees and officials in the next wave The aim of the stakeholder surveys is to generate further knowledge about the individual as sessments and motivations of the groups of people and to provide clubs with actionable knowledge to tackle their problems The Sport Development Report is financed by the Federal In stitute of Sport Science BISp the German Olympic Sports Confed eration DOSB and the 16 state sports confederations LSB At this point special thanks go to all those sports clubs that participated in the 2017 survey and also agreed to forward the sup plementary questionnaires to their trainers and coaches as well as board members Further thanks also go to the coaches and trai ners and the board members who took the time to participate in the stakeholder surveys Through their commitment and perseve rance it was possible to gain valuable insights into the background of the predominantly voluntary and honorary work in sports clubs in Germany

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