14 Fig 7 Proportion of the population that achieves the WHO recommenda tions through sport alone endurance activity by monthly net household income Source Sports Satellite Account SSA of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy BMWi and the Federal Institute for Sports Science BISp calculations and presentation 2HMforum German population 2017 representative sample N 1 222 aged 16 and over Distribution of households in Germany on 1 1 2018 by net household income 900 5 900 1 500 12 1 500 2 600 27 2 600 5 000 40 5 000 18 000 14 Destatis 2019 Educational level Different levels of goal attainment through sport are also apparent with re gard to the level of education corresponding to income Fig 8 The higher the formal educa tional level the more often the WHO recommendation is achieved through sport see also Fin ger et al 2017a on physical activity in leisure time as a whole Fig 7 Proportion of the population that achieves the WHO recommenda tions through sport alone endurance activity by educational level Source Sports Satellite Account SSA of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy BMWi and the Federal Institute for Sports Science BISp calculations and presentation 2HMforum German population 2017 representative sample N 1 222 aged 16 and over Graduation degrees correspond to school types in Germany and do not have equivalents in English terms Distribution of persons aged 15 and over in Germany by level of general education in 2017 Haupt oder Volks schulabschluss 30 Realschule oder gleichwertiger Abschluss 30 Fachhochschul oder Hochschulreife 32 other or no qualification 8 Destatis 2020 20 30 33 37 50 900 900 to 1 500 1 500 to 2 600 2 600 to 4 500 4 500 or more 28 34 43 Graduation degree Haupt oder Volks schulabschluss Graduation degree Realschule oder gleichwertiger Abschluss Graduation degree Fachhochschul oder Hochschulreife

Vorschau Der Beitrag des Sports zur Erfüllung der WHO-Empfehlungen - EN Seite 16
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