18 FEATURE My Most Unforgettable Moment with the Chamber We used to have closer contact with our AHK network For example we took the opportunity to have a team building in Thailand where we visited our Thai counterpart to exchange information and ideas on chambers activities We also participated in a training held in Singapore together with our Singaporean colleagues Those are unforgettable memories of mine in MGCC I have been with MGCC for 23 years The most challenging and unforgettable event was the Asia Pacific Conference APC that was hosted in Malaysia for the first time in September 2000 Without any experience in handling projects events I was appointed as the main coordinator We had only 12 staff back then with 16 trainees at the same time I was amazed that the APC event pulled everyone together and made it an amazing and successful event To date it still brings a lot of good memories The most memorable event has to be celebrating my birthday on The Zugspitze the highest mountain in Germany with a group of Malaysian Greentech delegation mid of June As it was also some of the delegates first experience with snow they had the chance of throwing their first snow ball at me we then shared a very delicious Blackforest cake and sung Happy Birthday it was a hugely memorable occasion Heng Lee Huang joined November 1992 H e a d o f D e p a r t m e n t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Thomas Brandt joined May 2001 G e n e r a l M a n a g e r Michelle Lim joined April 1996 S e n i o r M a r k e t i n g O f f i c e r

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