14 2 5 3 Alpine Nature 2030 Creating ecological connectivity for generations to come 149 28 How do the aims of ecological connectivity and tourism con ict 29 What is the most effective way to employ the different categories of protected areas to ensure connectivity and the provision of ecosystem services in the Alps 30 How can we use and integrate existing instruments and programmes to enhance trans sectoral funding for eco logical connectivity 31 How can ecological connectivity be integrated into spatial and infrastructural planning and legislation at various administrative levels 32 How can legal and conceptual tools stimulate the development of trans border connectivity 33 How is it possible to harmonise contradictory competing spatial sectoral policies in order to enhance connectivity 34 Which policy measures are necessary to safeguard the ecological network beyond protected areas 35 Which of the existing sectoral funding systems have a positive and which have a negative effect on connectivity 36 What incentives for agriculture and forestry are needed to maintain and restore ecological connectivity in different Alpine areas 37 Which strategy integration or segregation is more appropriate for promoting ecological connectivity in different alpine areas 38 How can we effectively manage areas heavily affected by tourism in order to maintain their function within an ecological continuum 39 How can we enhance sharing of theoretical and empirical good practice knowledge amongst and between sectors 40 How can the management of protected areas better incorporate functional relationships with surrounding areas 41 Which speci c restoration measures can increase connectivity 42 What kind of monitoring is needed to evaluate the long term ef ciency of connectivity measures in the face of dynamic anthropogenic change 43 How can an alpine wide accessible and effective connectivity data platform be created 44 How can databases for existing or emerging bio and geo data be improved for the promotion of connectivity projects in the Alps 45 What is the effectiveness of different methods for example sensor data to monitor the consequences of structural connectivity or its elements across different spatial and temporal scales 46 What is the effectiveness of different methods to record the effectiveness of functional connectivity or its ele ments across different spatial and temporal scales 47 How can we use evidence based education to increase public awareness of ecological networks 48 How can methods of con ict resolution be adapted and or used to mitigate concerns and obstruction to ecological networks 49 How should we integrate spatial and temporal dynamics into the realisation of the Alpine ecological continuum 50 How can the species and habitat approac hes to designing ecological connectivity be integrated into the process of landscape planning Source Adapted from Walzer et al 2013 PLoS ONE 8 1

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