14 2 5 3 Alpine Nature 2030 Creating ecological connectivity for generations to come 130 www alpine ecological network org or the homepage of the Platform Ecological Network offer many doc uments for download and access to databases that list experts projects publications links and events that are related to the topic of ecological connectivity Stakeholder speci c information is offered to ten differ ent stakeholder groups from tourism to land owners in three languages by the fact sheets see above 4 1 4 First promising results in the Alpine Pilot Regions for ecological connectivity Although ecological networks in the Alps and beyond are set up at the spatial level the temporal aspect should not be forgotten indeed the measures in ques tion should be implemented on the ground over a long term period Thus the ecological networks ap proach is both spatial and temporal and in a certain sense even cultural since it reorganises relations between users of the area and encourages new actors to co operate with one another in a novel common vision This long term common vision needs to be fur ther deepened and put into practice by coherent strate gies of all different actors leading to the success of the same Alpine wide objective The rst experiences from the work carried out in the Pilot Regions indicate that this new approach strikes the right chord The approach aims at getting local actors involved and making them responsible for the different aspects of protection relating to the daily lives of the local population The involvement also nancial of numerous actors is indispensable and needs to be supported by appropriate target group oriented communication with the general public An ecological network project can thus facilitate co operation between different areas by providing the possibility of formulating problems and identifying a common solution Given that the bases of the ecologi cal network concept are relatively easy to communi cate and understand and offer the possibility for each actor to contribute at his particular level this may lead to a real change in methods to protect the natural environment Road sign reading caution marmots Großglockner Austria

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