BGR Support for Mineral Certification Seite 21

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19 3 Certified Trading Chains CTC in Rwanda Aim of the Project The CTC pilot project in Rwanda was developed as a cooperative effort between BGR and Rwanda Geology and Mines Authority OGMR and participa ting mineral producers The pilot project ran from November 2008 to June 2011 For Rwandan authorities the aim of the CTC project was to benefit from the introduction of standards and guidelines applicable to the ASM sector in order to certify supply chain due diligence and the conflict free origin of their mineral products while also pro moting sustainable development in the Rwandan mining sector For BGR the pilot project was an opportunity to initiate the CTC concept on the ground with a num ber of voluntary mineral producers as the basis for a broader implementation of certification at the whole mining sector level The Rwanda CTC pilot project is comprehensively documented online at www bgr bund de mineral certification Project Overview In a broad overview the Rwanda CTC pilot was im plemented in a series of steps Step 1 Elaboration and Adaptation of CTC Standards The set of CTC standards based on accepted inter national guidelines e g OECD was developed over the course of a year or more with several workshops at the national and international scale involving stakeholders from government industry and civil society The final working draft included 20 standards grouped into five principal areas see page 20 These standards were continuously adapted according to practical experience and lessons learned from the project The standards were integrated into the Rwandan Mining and Quarrying Code of Practice of the Rwanda Bureau of Standards At a regional level CTC standards together with OECD standards also form the basis for the ICGLR mineral certification criteria 18 2012 BGR Hannover 2012 BGR Hannover

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