GOURMET ICE LOLLY FROM THE JEUNES RESTAURATEURS D EUROPE Mineralized water guarantees a really enjoy able drink and is ideal for making ice lollies Together with the leading chefs of the Jeunes Res tau ra teu re s d Europe BWT has brought to gether six refreshing magnesium ice lolly recipes in one brochure Enjoy learning to make the recipes and eating them Your BWT Team Jeunes Restaurateurs d Europe We hope that you have tried and enjoyed lots of tasty recipes from this booklet with benefits to body and soul If you have gained a taste for the extraordin ary menu of the Jeunes Restaurateurs d Europe Austria why not visit them or your local coun try JRE and experience many other individual gourmet moments More info at www jre at www jre eu

Vorschau Magnesium on a stick Seite 5
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