weeks The original concept was further de veloped artistically for imm cologne The words and associations were translated into several languages This was done to address the international trade show audience who had gathered in Cologne enabling an inter action between the projec tion on the architecture on the ground with the pro jection gradually vanishing in the mist The terms were just briefly visible and then immediately disappeared again as a metaphor for the transitory nature of our existence The en thusiastic visitors themselves became part of the installation were able to enter the instal Im Rahmen der Messe Bau fand im Januar in München zum vierten Mal die Lange Nacht der Architektur statt Last January the Long Night of Architecture took place for the fourth time in Munich during Messe Bau Ph ot o M es se M ün ch en

Vorschau TFI Trade-Fairs-International 01/2017 Seite 9
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