H ow do you make digital data easy to grasp at a trade show Can you actu ally visualise how software works The booth designers of Concept 26 and stand construction firm Bluepool from Leinfelden Echterdingen took on this chal lenge The exhibitor was Siemens at the elec trical automation trade show SPS IPC Drives 2016 in Nuremberg In fully booked hall 11 on a total space of 5 000 square metres Siemens showcased the latest applications for the digital factory of Industry 4 0 200 globe shaped LED lamps shone high over the visitors heads This installation by HL Stu dios symbolised topics like data flow and cloud systems The booth s motto was Dri ving the Digital Experience Between control PRACTICE STAND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN Digital data and a fresh shave Two examples of how stand designers showcase exhibits abstract software that makes the production process more effective And consumer products that interact live with consumers Ph ot o Is in ge r M er z Ziel des IFA Auftrittes von Russell Hobbs und Remington war es Frische zu transportieren The goal of Russell Hobbs and Remington s presence at IFA was to convey a feeling of freshness

Vorschau TFI Trade-Fairs-International 01/2017 Seite 79
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