T he company was seeking answers to a number of different questions What form does digital transformation take in the events market Where does the industry stand today What op portunities and challenges do organisers see in connection with digital transformation And how do event participants perceive this development Xing Events was able to draw on a significant level of expertise among the respondents The majority of them were in the 40 to 45 age bracket and thus experienced players in the MICE indus try 54 percent of the organisers surveyed stage conferences conven tions and trade fairs Around 50 percent organise corporate events 47 percent seminars and 35 percent training events and courses Three quarters of the German organisers the great majority only organise events in German speaking countries It is particularly interesting to see where digitalisation is occur ring in the event cycle The survey revealed that digitalisation is a fac tor above all in event marketing and organisation Its impact is thus felt particularly in the run up to events Evidently with enduring suc cess Three quarters of the organisers stated that their processes had 25 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2017 EVENTS LOCATIONS Pre event digitalisation Good to know Xing Events surveyed around 2 500 event organisers and 2 100 participants in a representative online study Die Studie kann online herunter geladen werden The study can be downloaded online Ph ot o X in g Ev en ts

Vorschau TFI Trade-Fairs-International 01/2017 Seite 25
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