Die Messe Erfurt GmbH freut sich Ihre Veranstaltung planen zu dürfen Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner Kay Uwe Dorn Telefon 0361 400 1500 E Mail ku dorn messe erfurt de www messe erfurt de Die Messe Erfurt und das Congress Center Erfurt sind seit über 20 Jahren ein leistungsfähiger und kundenorientierter Messe Kongress und Eventstandort in der Mitte Deutschlands 4 GUTE GRÜNDE FÜR IHRE VERANSTALTUNG IN ERFURT 2 Der ICE Knotenpunkt Erfurt Die thüringische Landeshauptstadt ist von den größten Städten Deutschlands mit der Bahn in Rekordzeit erreichbar 1 Die Multifunktionalität des Messegeländes Individuelle Gestaltung und neueste technische Voraussetzungen schaffen vielseitige Veranstaltungsmöglichkeiten in unseren drei Messehallen und dem Congress Center 3 Die traumhafte Kulisse Erfurts Mit bezauberndem Mittelalter Flair sowie einer bunten Gastroszene bietet Erfurt zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zum Wohlfühlen und Genießen 4 Beste logistische Voraussetzung vor Ort Eine direkte Straßenbahnverbindung in das Stadtzentrum sowie 3 500 Parkplätze stehen Ihren Besuchern zur Verfügung Anlieferungen können Sie bis vor jede Tür planen our exhibitors the digital marketplace Control Virtual This virtual exhibition was received very well immediately After all everyone was already fully prepared for the trade fair Our next event would have been Optatec in mid May which we initially rescheduled for November 2020 but ultimately had to post pone it to May 2022 to keep to its two year cycle Hopes were raised in early summer but the biennial Stanztec also had to be called off It will be held again in the sum mer of 2022 We had worked long and hard on both the Motek Bondexpo duo and Faku ma in October but they couldn t go ahead ei ther They will next be held in the autumn of 2021 But we did make virtual exhibition platforms available for both trade fairs in the late summer The biennial Blechexpo will be going ahead as planned in 2021 How do these virtual interim solutions work The design principles are the same for all our virtual presentation platforms Exhibitors present their trade fair highlights and product Contacts data sheets brochures invitations to webinars every virtual showroom is dif ferent Enquiries can be submitted easily and directly which is particularly important and practical The result is business contacts of fers and solutions without the face to face contact of a trade fair but contact to cus tomers is maintained The digital showrooms are the perfect business tool for a pandemic which reduces personal contacts to a mini mum But as you said virtual exhibitions are just interim solutions until we can get back to normal with trade fairs What are your expectations for 2021 We are well prepared for and confident about 2021 and hope of course that the pandemic can be contained and controlled Our trade fair dates have been set and the bookings for all our events in 2021 are very good Solutions in manufacturing industries and automation require an intensive dialogue These are gen erally very complex systems and processes and to work on them effectively and efficient ly you need to work together PB FOCUS innovations in showrooms with an ideal structure They provide visitors with infor mation in writing images or video just as they would at a physical exhibition stand Bettina Schall beantwortete die Fragen von TFI Bettina Schall answered TFI s questions Ph ot o S ch al l

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