D 72336 Balingen www atelier tuerke de Wir sind Anbieter und Gestalter eines umfassenden Markenerlebnisses Unsere hauseigenen Architekten Messedesigner und Messebauer erstellen begeisternde Markenwelten Tue Az TraidFairsInternational 210x81 05 indd 1 08 04 2020 11 41 10 tion stand designers to furniture rental firms offered their services At the centre of the joint stand visitors were able to gather at a kind of marketplace A circular bar and a meeting area provided opportunities for net working According to the visitor tracking system we had four figure visitor numbers on the five days of the trade fair recalls IFES executive director Uta Goretzky Most of them stayed for some time and had in depth conversations Convinced of the ben efits of industry professionals working with each other despite being based in different countries or continents some companies ap plied to become members straight away One part of the stand was reserved for young professionals in the industry the IFES Talent Team The team is made up of IFES members under the age of 40 who discussed the latest trends fresh winds of change and the scope for innovation in the industry The general focus at the Global Village was on in novations and new inventions The interna tional association presented the IDIA IFES Development and Innovation Awards for out standing ideas and sustainable improve ments First place went to Montecolino Recy cling Carpet for fully recyclable carpet system laid in lightning quick time for Fiera Milano The furniture rental company JMT came sec ond for a furniture series made of used PET plastic bottles Third place was awarded to Fotoboden the printable fully recyclable vinyl flooring described above www ifes net org Among the regular exhibitors at Euro shop is Syma a company based in Kirchberg in Switzerland Syma is one of the leading system vendors when it comes to exhibition stands shopfitting and modular architecture For the first time the company had a sepa rate stand for shopfitting in Hall 11 The tra ditional stand for exhibition stand construc tion in Hall 5 presented an abundance of in novations The Syma Cubic system for ro bust quickly assembled two storey exhibi tion stands is already well established For the first time Euroshop visitors were able to look down on the crowds at the trade fair from the upper floor of a Syma Cubic stand complete with a fully glazed parapet The ex hibitor also offered visitors further bright spots in the truest sense The Syma Xwall frame system had a brand new backlighting system that lights up exhibition stand walls evenly and without shadows The Syma Texwall fabric wall system also looked great with its new dimmable back lighting making for even more effective fab ric covered walls that stretch seamlessly to the outer corners And finally the Swiss com pany has developed an even quicker connec tion system for its filigree Syma Snap system Panels for lettering and design or decorative elements can now be assembled in no time at all To cap it all visitors to the Syma stand in Hall 5 were able to enjoy what was said to be the best coffee in the whole of Düsseldorf served by an expert barista Our appearance at Euroshop 2020 was well worth it The in dustry professionals who visited us showed a keen interest in our new developments and the enhancements we have made to our prod ucts Small changes can have a big impact We will be staying on the ball we never stand still promises managing director Beat Müller Syma s head of marketing www syma com JK Fotoboden Bereits an den Ein gängen wurden die Besucher von den Key Visuals der Messe auf dem Boden begrüßt Fotoboden At the entrances visi tors were welcomed by the trade show s key visuals on the floor Ph ot o V is ua ls U ni te d F ot ob od en

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