T he event was attended by around 4 600 Mini dealers at two beautiful venues in Lisbon s old town Pátio de Galé and Carpintarias de Sao Lázaro In this set ting Barbara Schöneberger hosted the Mini Awards for the most successful dealers In addition a test track was set up in the specially tarred outdoor area of Vic tor Hugo Cardinali Circus And a com plete workshop was created with lifting platforms and technical service equip ment in a disused railway repair shop The attendees were able to get to know and test drive the first fully electric Mini reports Matthias Beyer manag ing director of Panexpo a company for transport and exhibition logistics based in Worpswede near Bremen For this event we transported twenty full loads of construction mate rials and Sound Light event equip ment from Germany to Portugal ex plains Matthias Beyer In Portugal we set up a handling warehouse for the materials close to the airport In order to reach the two venues in Lisbon s old town the cargo had to be reloaded To 7 5 tonne lorries and even 12 tonne lor ries with tail lifts A dedicated Panexpo crew implemented and coordinated the handling and delivery of the cargo On site this proved to be rather complicated as the avail able space was very tight In some cases de liveries to Pátio de Galé were only possible at night between 10 p m and 4 a m By day police cordons had to be set up to enable de liveries says Beyer The inner courtyard of this building is paved with a fine marble floor parts of which had to be covered for moving the ma terial We were only permitted to use the lit tle two tonne electric forklift we had rented in some areas At Carpintarias de Sao Lázaro the material had to be delivered by means of a mobile telescopic crane Materials were lifted onto the roof of the building where there was access to the ballroom This required a lot of manpower points out Matthias Beyer The packaging material had to be brought from the venues to the handling warehouse and returned after the event in the same way Plus To help with as sembly Panexpo provided a range of lifting equipment such as passenger lifts scissor lifts aerial work platforms and forklifts at the venues www panexpo de PB 38 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2020 PRACTICE EVENT LOGISTICS Maxed out for the Mini From 1 February to 15 March BMW hosted this year s international dealers meeting the International Mini Dealer Experience Panexpo was in charge of logistics Logistics Liability for cancelled fairs The Corona crisis has the trade fair in dustry in a stranglehold What hap pens if exhibitors cannot could not make use of logistics when a trade fair is cancelled In general logistics services that have been booked but not yet called off are not subject to a cancellation fee explains Christiane Roelfs managing direc tor of Fairexpress a trade fair transport company from Bielefeld The situation would be different if the collecting lorry or container were already standing at the loading point Then a cancellation fee or dead freight would have to be agreed says Roelfs Cancellation deadlines are very much dependent on the mode of transport and must be reviewed individually Plus If the transport has to be stopped en route the actual costs incurred would have to be borne by the exhibitor client The expert does not see a liability chain As a rule an or ganiser does not have to pay for the costs of exhibition logistics she emphasises If the respective trade fair is cancelled by official decree even the payment of the agreed booth rents would only be possible as a ges ture of goodwill judges Christiane Roelfs Transport and exhibition insurance would be useless in this case These types of insur ance primarily insure damages of all kinds Moreover exhibition cancellation insurance is an option This can cover logistical serv ices travel costs participation fees or hypo thetical profits depending on require ments says Roelfs However I trust that this insurance will not pay in the case of an official decree In the case of force majeure any liability whatsoever must also be ruled out www fairexpress de Die Mini Präsen tation war logis tisch äußerst auf wendig The Mini presenta tion was a great logistical challenge Ph ot o B M W Pa ne xp o Matthias Beyer Panexpo Ph ot o P an ex po

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