T he Middle East is now thought of as one of the world s leading livestock production hubs That brings in suppli ers as well as buyers A trade fair re volving around the industry was launched at ADNEC in Abu Dhabi in 2019 EuroTier Mid dle East an offshoot of the leading interna tional trade fair EuroTier which is hosted in Hanover The German Agricultural Society DLG the organiser welcomed around 120 exhibitors and over 10 000 trade visitors to the inaugural event the aim of which was to bring the latest technologies and innovations to the region At the same time the up to the minute know how and expertise of the participants was to be shared and tailored to suit the local market and its challenges There was a comprehensive accompanying programme with two conferences and a fo rum with presentations on a wide variety of topics including cattle and poultry produc tion camel genetics aquaculture and biose curity Region specific special events such as beauty contests and animal auctions also went down well The ADNEC team by no means restricted themselves to providing EuroTier Middle East s organisers with the hardware they needed exhibition space and rooms The venue operator also played a significant role when it came to soft factors ADNEC s proto col and government relations department or ganised the opening ceremony and receptions for all VIPs in attendance In addition the ADNEC marketing team did a lot to publicise the event sending out HTML emails to its ex tensive list of contacts launching a text mes saging campaign and promoting the event on indoor and outdoor digital screens They also made extensive use of social media Christo pher Armstrong the DLG project manager for international trade fairs praised ADNEC s high quality content and the variety of ADNEC s communication channels This close cooperation between the part ners involved in EuroTier Middle East paid off as the figures for the trade fair show Not only were there impressive numbers of visi tors decision makers were there in force as well A number of deals worth millions were signed during the three day event and these huge deals demonstrated perfectly the invest ment opportunities that exist in the region According to Christopher Armstrong the trade fair certainly came up to expectations which contributed to the overall success of the inaugural event The hosts see things the same way Khalifa Al Qubaisi ADNEC s chief commercial officer called the new event a re sounding success For him the levels of in vestment seen at the trade fair demonstrate the exhibition centre s importance as a venue for business events for the Middle East and North Africa MENA We look forward to welcoming EuroTier back in the future said Al Qubaisi www adnec ae PB INTERNATIONAL ABU DHABI Close cooperation with the organiser The second EuroTier Middle East will be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre ADNEC in March 2021 The first time around the event was a resounding success Auf der Messe wird auch 2021 das aktuelle Know how und die Expertise von den Teilnehmern geteilt werden Attendees will again be able to share the latest know how and expertise at the fair in 2021 Ph ot o A D N EC D LG

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