Witt I would like to add something about the architects In some places in China archi tects were allowed to go crazy with exhibi tion centres This has resulted in buildings that may look spectacular but compromise regrettably on functionality Fortunately this was not the case in Shenzhen during our consulting assignment over the past five years Of course there were various discus sions but our main recommendations were implemented Our Chinese partners acted very purposefully they simply wanted the best solution Nevertheless Shenzhen World has a few very interesting architectural fea tures that also enhance the quality of your stay How is the quality of stay enhanced Weber For the government it was important to add green spaces So large attractive and beautifully planted roof gardens were creat ed The roof gardens are easy to reach via the central corridor they can be used for ex hibitor evenings or customer events and can also be served with the appropriate catering Another example of the quality of stay is of a digital nature the venue app One day it will provide information on how full the restau rants are for example And you will also be able to book tables in the restaurants Given that most Chinese have lunch early at noon this can be a huge advantage This is not the only reason why Shenzhen World will be a smart venue for events The on site infrastructure is one side of the story what about getting there Witt For the first events there will be a shut tle to the underground station five kilometres away That s enough for the beginning the initial soft opening started in mid September The smaller events that are now taking place are trial runs so to speak so we can still make adjustments based on the insights gained As of next February the venue will be fully operational And from mid 2020 Shenzhen World will have two underground stations at the two main entrances In addi tion the site is well connected to Shenzhen and Hong Kong airports there is a ferry link from Hong Kong The infrastructure is gradu ally being expanded and is improving day by day PB Jochen Witt is founder and managing direc tor of JWC Gerd Weber is partner and senior expert for trade fair planning site planning and efficiency 65TradeFairs Internation al 3 2019 INTERNATIONAL Shenzhen World Hier kann eine Großmesse statt finden oder mehrere Messen gleichzeitig Shenzhen World A single huge show can take place here or several fairs at the same time Ph ot o S he nz he n W or ld JW C

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