T he September Hong Kong Jewellery Gem Fair is the industry s largest inter national trade fair Around 3 700 ex hibitors presented themselves at the event in September 2018 The stands were generally small and enclosed in order to en sure security and allow discreet conversa tions to be conducted But the stand of Danat the Bahrain Institute for Pearls and Gemstones was very different Danat was only founded in 2017 and its open stand at the fair was an invitation to trade fair visitors to get to know the Arabian island state and its pearl and gemstone industry The Danat stand broke all previous records with around 270 square metres it was the largest stand ever built at the fair Its unusually open design drew visitors in and created a relaxed atmosphere The wall and ceiling elements decorations cabi nets and displays were irregular in shape inspired by diamonds and the Danat logo The design was a symbol of Bahrain s pro gressive gemstone industry a minimalist modern design with clear architectural lines and discreet sophisticated colours explains Marco Lam general manager of Outsmart the luxury specialist of the Asian based inte grated marketing service provider Milton Ex hibits Group which created the stand The stand was subdivided into different zones Visitors walked through the reception area and past large information displays into an area that provided insights of Bahrain s culture When moved in there were the VIP area a seminar area and a workshop for gemstone faceting Final but not least was the lab area which became the spotlight Here a specialist examined visitors pearls gemstones and jewels under their witness and issued written assessments of the value and authenticity Danat was the only exhibitor that offered a live lab like this says Tony Yeung executive director of Outsmart who was delighted at its success It took six months from the initial contact between the ex hibitor and the exhibitor services agency to the event The exhibitor services team paid a visit to Bahrain for direct communication with the exhibitor Danat desired for a modern stylish design with traditional Arabian elements to show that Bahrain is entering into a new era meanwhile should equipped with meeting and pres entation zones a VIP area the lab and other areas recalls Tony Yeung The Outsmart team was able to immerse themselves in the client s culture and way of think ing successfully unveiled the real gem among the stands to the visitors at the event www milton exhibits com JK 96 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 INTERNATIONAL STAND DESIGN A gem among the stands Bahrain is a leading centre of the gemstone industry An exhibition stand designed by the Hong Kong based company Outsmart made that quite clear PRACTICE Danat Auftritt in Hongkong Vorbei am Empfang und an Info Displays gelangten die Besucher in einen Seminar Bereich Danat booth in Hong Kong Past the reception desk and information displays visitors reached a seminar area Ph ot o O ut sm ar t M ilt on E xh ib its die Perlen Edelsteine und Juwelen der Besu cher vor ihren eigenen Augen Er stellte Gut achten zu Wert und Authentizität aus Da nat war der einzige Aussteller der solch ein Live Labor anbot freut sich Tony Yeung ge schäftsführender Direktor von Outsmart über den Besucher Magneten Ein halbes Jahr verging vom Erstkontakt zwischen Aussteller und Messebauer bis zum Auftritt Danat wünschte sich ein mo dernes und stylisches Design mit traditionell arabischen Elementen um zu zeigen Bah rain tritt in eine neue Ära ein Aber auch Platz für Meetings und Präsentationen ein VIP Areal das Labor und weitere Bereiche galt es zu integrieren erinnert sich Tony Yeung Einem Besuch der chinesischen Mes seplaner und designer in Bahrain folgte ein monatelanger sehr kommunikativer Aus tausch Outsmart konnte sich in die Kultur und Denkweise des Kunden hineinversetzen Und die Messebesucher waren sich einig das Juwel unter den Ständen entdeckt zu haben www milton exhibits com JK

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