T he building is making progress About half of the first construction phase of India International Convention Centre IICC has been completed The exhi bition halls with an indoor space of 60 000 square metres are slated for completion by November Currently the operator is taking care to fill the exhibition and convention cen tre with events for the time after its inaugu ration India has already inducted lots of European organisers says Phil Chung Es pecially German and UK points out the head of the IICC s operating company Kinex in a consortium including Korea s leading trade fair company Kintex In the same breath he cites Informa UBM Reed Exhibi tions and Messe München Messe Frankfurt Messe Düsseldorf and NürnbergMesse as ex amples The managing directors of these After all the convention centre which is to be completed next February at the latest will be a kind of landmark It will comprise 15 meeting rooms with a maximum seating capacity of around 12 000 seats And it will be linked to the exhibition halls The largest meeting fa cility will be an auditorium for up to 6 500 people Chung also enthuses about the grand ballroom with a wonderful sky lobby and atrium for up to 2 500 people Once all buildings have been completed IICC officials will help the Indian government inspect and test run the venue The govern ment is also quite agile in other respects It is trying to launch many large government proj ects Plus IICC managing director Phil Chung is meeting both trade show organisers and PCOs and event management companies from inside and outside India Vigorous sup port comes from the parent company Kintex Its chairman Chang Yuel Lim a former mem ber of the Korean government is providing active assistance We are constantly travel ling to many cities in India says Chung To find out more and more hidden industry play ers who will contribute to IICC s business The company has a dream We are pitching for huge global conventions Chung de scribes its vision Like the G20 Summit for which the IICC convention centre s location is ideal You can now see this with your own eyes as the IICC s website recently went on line www iiccnewdelhi com PB 36 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 INTERNATIONAL INDIA Igniting a fire of fairs South Asia s new trade fair hotspot the IICC in Delhi will open in less than a year s time on 1 April 2020 Its operator is already getting busy companies have met me Chung says We discussed many meaningful collaborations starting from our inauguration year Many global organisers are planning new shows as there will soon be a huge venue supply in India ignited by the IICC project Organisers now come frequently for guided tours of the construction site They can get a good impression of the new build ing and its excellent reachability since In dira Gandhi Airport is right next door IICC will also be adjacent to Aerocity a luxury ho tel complex This convenient infrastructure will also benefit conference attendees We are opening a new India gate for interna tional convention organisers Phil Chung al ludes to the national landmark India Gate a triumphal arch in the capital New Delhi Voraussichtlich im November werden die Messehallen mit einer Indoorfläche von 60 000 Quadratmetern fertigge stellt The exhibition halls with an indoor space of 60 000 square metres are slated for completion by November Ph ot o II CC

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