Veranstaltungen kommunizierten weltweit zunehmend ganzjährig digital mit Zielgrup pen und ihrer Community Das Arbeiten mit Daten wird genauso relevant werden wie das Geschehen auf dem Messeparkett prognos tiziert Hattendorf Beim UFI Event in Bir mingham nehmen sich zwei britische Fach leute der digitalen Innovation im Veranstal tungssektor an Katie Crocombe und Adam Parry Was Veranstaltungskonzepte betrifft machte in jüngerer Vergangenheit das Wort von der Festivalisierung die Runde Früher waren Messen überwiegend Produktschauen doch die Generation der Millennials und Post Millennials hat darüber hinaus gehende Erwartungen Wir sind gut beraten unser Ohr eng an unseren Kunden zu haben be tont Kai Hattendorf Sie verlangen sehr per sönliche und individuelle Erlebnisse wenn sie zu einer Messe gehen Auch die Über lappung von Messen und Kongressen wird noch stärker werden Veranstalter sollten die ses Nachfrageverhalten berücksichtigen Und Gemäß einer UFI Explori Befragung von über 13 000 Besuchern gibt es gerade in reifen Märken eine zunehmende Messemü digkeit zu verspüren In Birmingham zeigt Messestrategie Berater Denzil Rankine auf wie sich Veranstalter zur Messe 2 0 hin be wegen www ufi org PB various core themes These trends are sub ject to intensive debate and will also be dis cussed in Birmingham Trade patterns world wide are shifting and the global economy is jittery The latest IMF forecasts point to rougher times ahead The US China tariffs alone are expected to reduce global econom ic growth by 0 4 per cent in the long run And growth has become difficult to sus tain especially in the mature exhibition mar kets such as the USA It comes as no sur prise that growing numbers of US organisers are looking into doing business outside of their home country observes UFI managing director Kai Hattendorf In addition he tells us that a Chinese organiser took a majority share in a trade show outside of China for the first time last year If this development continues it will offer new opportunities for 22 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 2 2019 UFI IN BIRMINGHAM The future for exhibition organisers From 15 to 17 May Europe s trade fair experts will meet in the UK s second largest metropolis The focus will be on the or ganisers and how to handle changing framework conditions T he theme of the UFI European Confer ence is Challenging Business Models the Future for Exhibition Organisers Against the background of various shifting parameters this is an issue that has a big impact on organisers In many conver sations with members and industry players the UFI team was able to identify and isolate UFI Global Barometer UFI released its Global Exhibition In dustry Barometer in February takingthe pulse of the sector It reported global and regional trends as well as a total of 19 market profiles According to the sur vey further growth is expected in all four global regions America Europe Middle East Africa Asia Pacific The outlook for the latter two being particularly favour able In contrast fewer companies in the recently fast growing economies of Ameri ca and Europe are now expecting as strong growth as before Economic concerns at national or global level remain the top business issues followed by competition from within the industry internal chal lenges and digitisation A large majority of companies are now planning new activities either as organisers venue operators or service providers and or outside the classic product portfolio And activities in new markets around the globe are set to in crease Ph ot o N EC Die europäische UFI Konferenz wird im NEC in Birmingham ausgerichtet The UFI European Conference will take place at the NEC in Birmingham

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