Trade Fairs International DAS WIRTSCHAFTSMAGAZIN FÜR MESSEN UND EVENTS Heft 1 erscheint am 25 Februar 2019 TradeFairs Internation al 4 2018 5 FOCUSCONTENT U nd d ar au f s itz t d er k lu ge K op f ww w ki ef er m ie tm oe be l d e De nn in u ns er em ru nd 90 0 M öb el u nd Z ub eh ör um fa ss en de n So rti m en t f in de n Si e ga ra nt ie rt da s Ri ch tig e fü r di e Au ss ta ttu ng Ih re s Ev en ts M ie tb ar a uc h on lin e un d in Ec ht ze it P r o b i e r e n S i e e s a u s 56 IELA News 63 IFES News 64 Service Partner 66 Backstage 66 Imprint COLUMN 8 Germany 2019 A good fit for the industry 12 Germany 2019 Enhancing the city s skyline 16 Germany 2019 Competing for medical technology 19 Germany 2019 Impact of diesel vehicle bans 21 Germany 2019 Blurring the boundaries 24 Germany 2019 Inspiring lifestyle based stories 27 Live Marketing New forum high expectations 31 Congresses Marketplaces for knowledge transfer 37 IBTM World 2018 Time to explore FOCUS 42 Switzerland Slightly above target 44 Poland Even busier than before 48 UFI 2018 2019 50 000 strong community 50 Qatar Still flourishing and resilient INTERNATIONAL 54 Stand construction systems Five elements and a marker pen 58 Stand construction systems Light vision and synergies 62 TFI Know how How can you capture trade fair leads digitally 63 Practice Tip How to keep the audience tuned PRACTICE Messebau Systeme Fünf Elemente und ein Edding Stand construction systems Five elements and a marker pen Ph ot o D EC C Ph ot o G iln ha m m er 52 Katar Weiter florierend und robust49 Qatar Still flourishing and resilient

Vorschau TFI Trade-Fairs-International 04/2018 Seite 5
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