Interviewbuch 2012 englisch Seite 18

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Matthias Schlapp   Lamborghini 19 automotiveIT 2012 Mr Schlapp Sant Agata Bolognese in Italy is about 1 200 km from Wolfsburg and at least 600 km from Audi head quarters in Ingolstadt Is Lamborghini IT nonetheless tightly integrated into the Group or are the actions of your IT de partment relatively free from corporate constraints Lamborghini as a wholly owned subsidiary of Audi AG is primarily a part of Audi and Audi IT is the first reference for Lamborghi ni IT as a result And that triggers a chain reaction as Audi is in turn a Volkswagen Group subsidiary I would not characterize it as a chain reac tion In fact we are in nearly daily contact with group IT and Volkswagen and are also integrated into the group s centralized IT solutions But that is not a constraint but rather a windfall for Lamborghini You must not forget that with 20 employees in Lamborghini IT we can only benefit from the Group s structures From the standpoint of cost effectiveness alone The lines of reporting however go through Ingolstadt and Audi is very conscious of its mission You can see this in a number of ways in cluding the fact that Audi employees can be found in all the Lamborghini departments How big is the annual IT budget at Lamborghini Expenditures on information technology correspond to 2 to 3 pc of revenue with the staffing included in the calculation A good figure for a company that despite its manageable size covers the entire value creation chain from development and pro duction all the way to sales Can you give us a look at how these expenditures are divided up Two thirds flow into application manage ment services and the infrastructure We invest the rest in new projects affiliated with our core processes Among other Lamborghini benefits from the VW Group Matthias Schlapp The CIO of Lamborghini spoke with automotiveIT about the role of IT the brand s affiliation with Audi and its collaboration with other brands within the Volkswagen Group

Vorschau Interviewbuch 2012 englisch Seite 18