Big data is the catchphrase of the hour Digital tech nologies and networked applications produce from the most diverse sources increasingly larger amounts of data which have to be transferred and evaluated faster and faster Those who are able to keep the data jungle in perspective will be able to skillfully use it for themselves and their businesses although the chal lenges involved are admittedly great According to a study by the American IT company IDG what hinders optimal use is above all the complex and large num ber of data sources as well as the absence of internal data governance guidelines Vague role distribution within the company and the absence of awareness of the significance of the collected data all contribu te toward making well intentioned initiatives for data harmonization futile Data as a valuable resource Even at Greiner Assistec the opportunities of having a centralized supply of data for the production machi nes have so far not been used consistently enough Traceability as well as documentation and analysis of process data is only available as warranted but not to the full extent This is a fact that may well be chan ged by the pilot project AMANDA short for Advanced MANufacturing Data Analysis and that should pre 4 Cost reduction increase in operational efficiency improvement of business processes simpler decisi on making increase in flexibility as well as adaptation of IT to one s own company the reasons for esta blishing data management solutions in companies are multi faceted and in a competitive environment of increasingly greater relevance Greiner Assistec has realized this as well and has applied itself to a two year pilot project on the optimized use of production data as well as on highlighting potentials 02 16 unique plasticspaper Focus AMANDA ADVANCED MANUFACTURING DATA ANALYSIS Focus Big data Making good use of measuring data

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