Who invented it Facts figures There are numerous legends surrounding the origin of coffee According to a story passed down from 1671 shepherds in the Kingdom of Kaffa Ethiopia today noticed behavioral changes among their goats after they had eaten red fruits from a shrub with white flowers The animals were friskily jumping about well into the night while the animals in another pasture were already asleep The shepherds then prepared a drink made from the fruits and were then able to stay awake pray and talk to one another far into the night Today it is assumed that the region of Kaffa in Southwest Ethiopia is the area of origin of coffee From there coffee reached Arabia presumably through slave dealers and from there it advanced triumphantly around the world starting from the 15th century 15 0 8 1 5 3 4Height in meters that an Arabica or Robusta plant can reach Time in years after which a coffee plant yields first returns Caffeine proportion in an Arabica coffee bean in percent 4 1 2 4 1 9 3 3 2 3 1 82 0 1 7 Norway Greece 3 Denmark France Austria Italy Switzerland Belgium Germany Portugal 2 9 2 7 2 6 901 16 unique packpaper Source Kaffee in Zahlen 2013 2015 Cups per capita per day Coffee consumption in selected countries Finland Sweden Focus i

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