Did you know Coffee enjoyment worldwide 28 935 per second per minute per hour per day per month per year 1 736 111 104 166 667 2 500 000 000 76 041 666 667 912 500 000 000 that the word coffee stems from the Arabic word qahwa which more or less means a stimulating drink that coffee grows only in the so called coffee belt This is the name given to the subtropical and tropical zone around the equator In 2014 32 of coffee came from Brazil giving the country the highest percentage of worldwide raw coffee production that no other country has as many coffee variations as Austria More than 40 creations are known from Einspänner one horse carriage a double espresso with a dollop of whipped cream to Franziskaner Franciscan monk a single espresso with warm milk and whipped cream topping to Maria Theresia Kaffee a double mocha coffee with orange liqueur and whipped cream that espresso is more digestible than filter coffee The brief contact period of the water with the coffee grounds releases fewer acids from the beans that moderate coffee consumption can have a positive impact on your health In small doses caffeine has a stimulating effect and increases concentration and memory capacity in the brain 01 16 unique packpaper8 Focus N um be r of c up s dr un k w or ld w id e i

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