HTW Magazin 17 EN Seite 2

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2 HTW Design Carpet Magazine 17 Editorial Dear Readers The New National Gallery is an architec tural monument which is admired around the world Therefore exhibitions always represent a particular challenge as every work of art is up against the myth of the building itself and must prove itself The artist Rudolf Stingel from South Tyrol has now designed a new installation which transforms the character of the New National Gallery in an impressive way The floor area of the great glass hall has been fitted with a carpet the decora tion of which dates back to an original In dian Agra carpet from the 19th century With curved lines and the rich motif deco ration Rudolf Stingel invokes an aesthet ic in the architecture which the Bauhaus School consciously wanted to leave be hind The cool sobriety of the space is softly overridden by the delicately de signed and coloured floor covering Homely values unusual in the building have found their way in Sitting and lying down are suddenly both possible and thinkable where once hard granite floors prescribed a gentle stroll We are extremely pleased that this carpet installation has met with a great response and that the exhibition has been extend ed by three months Many thanks to all the participants and visitors Yours Dr Joachim Jäger Head of the New National Gallery New National Gallery Berlin Germany 2 500 m of Great Art The New National Gallery Berlin is an established institution in the capital With Rudolf Stingel the gallery has been able this spring to engage an internationally renowned artist one who has seldom graced Germany until now This therefore gave an outstanding opportunity to develop and present a work by the painter and installation artist The highlight is a giant wall to wall carpet which forms a strong counterpoint to the strict purist impression given by gallery building designed by the former Bauhaus Director Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

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