They simply had to decide how to protect the changes that had taken place and they certainly did McCormick Marsh and FM Global put together a three phase plan to help deal with those new exposures The first contended with North America the second with Europe and the third still under way is Asia Pacific Plesce explains The three phase plan was set up to prioritize where the revenues were driven across McCormick What we initially did was identify the most mission critical locations and what the exposures were to loss at each of them One track was for all of the large capital improvements And at the same time we followed a second track which was How do we get human ele ment implemented across the world where maybe it wasn t in place We also wanted to get the other locations moving and make improvements where necessary while we waited for the capital improvements The triangular relationship between the three parties provided excellent checks and balances for the work that was being done Marsh plays an important role here says Radin They keep FM Global accountable for the value proposition they bring and they keep us at McCormick in check as well They play a pivotal role and bring a level of independent guidance that we seek In fact he says that triangle has kept the partner ship with FM Global together and strong for many years In rack sprinklers above and below left protect raw ingredients in McCormick s Hunt Valley Distribution Center Bob Utz facing page is the recently retired director of supply chain solutions 32 REASON ISSUE 2 2015

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