75Method Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 The extent of the changes is illustrated with the help of indi ces that reflect the percentage change The basis for the calculation of the indices is the value determined in the longitudinal data set for the respective base year For example an index of 12 means that in the longitudinal data set the value in question has increased by 12 In the tables and figures the starting year survey year is illustrated with the identification Index 2015 0 which refers to the Sport De velopment Report 2015 2016 6th wave With regard to the level of the indices it should be noted that the indices can be high even with small changes e g in the event of an increase from 0 5 to 1 5 the index would be 200 In addition the indices were examined to determine whether there were statistically significant changes significance test t test In this report only the significant index changes are presented The level of error probability which is decisive for the determination of signifi cance is illustrated by the usual identification see Table 25 Table 25 Overview of error probabilities in statistical calculations and their identification Symbol Meaning significant i e probability of error of the calculation is equal to less than 5 very significant i e probability of error of the calculation is equal to less than 1 highly significant i e probability of error of the calculation is equal to or less than 0 1

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