69Method Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 4 1 Background The Sport Development Reports Analyses of the Situation of Sports Clubs in Germany represent a further development of the Financial and Structural Analyses of German Sport FISAS with the aim of providing decision makers in organised sport as well as in public sports policy and administration with timely information re levant to policy fields and management argumentation and know how This support is intended to strengthen the competitiveness of organised sport in times of dynamic social change The project is financed by the 16 federal state sports confederations the German Olympic Sports Confederation DOSB and the Federal Institute for Sports Science BISp 1 In mid 2017 Univ Prof Dr Christoph Breuer from the In stitute of Sport Economics and Sport Management at the German Sport University Cologne was commissioned to carry out the se venth to ninth wave of the Sport Development Report SDR 3 0 The methodical core concept of the Sport Development Report is still the development of a panel design Therefore starting with the seventh wave the same sports clubs will be surveyed online about their situation every three years Furthermore new elements of the SDR 3 0 are the so called stakeholder surveys i e surveys of different groups of people In this context the seventh wave of the survey also surveys coaches and trainers as well as board members in addition to the clubs In the following eighth wave another two groups of people will be surveyed namely members and referees or officials The individual stakeholder surveys will be carried out in waves seven to nine after the respective surveys of the clubs 1 Reference number ZMVI4 081802 17 26

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