60 Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 Individuals 3 2 2 Future commitment Like the coaches and trainers the board members of sports clubs in Germany were also asked about their future plans for their activities see Table 22 Here too agreement with the intention to continue activities in the current and coming year is very high on average On a scale from 1 no agreement to 5 very high agreement the mean value is M 4 80 as far as the continuation of the activity in the current year is concerned This figure is even slightly higher than the corresponding figure for coaches and trainers see Table 19 The average agreement of the board members with the intention to continue working for the club next year is also high M 4 46 while the 3 year value is slightly lower on average M 3 68 see Table 22 Table 22 Agreement of the board members regarding the future planning for their activities 1 strongly disagree 5 strongly agree Mean value I plan to continue volunteering for this club as a member of the board for the whole year 4 80 I plan to continue volunteering at this club as a member of the board next year as well 4 46 I am likely to be volunteering as a member of the board at this club in three years time 3 68 I plan to do a training course for my activity as a member of the board in the coming year 2 55 I plan to give up my activity as a board member for this club as soon as a replacement for me as a board member is found 2 56 I plan to become a board member of another club within the next 12 months 1 15 I plan to resign from the club within the next 12 months 1 09

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