45Organisations Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 Revenue from Mean value in Index Mean value 2015 0 Proportion of clubs that have revenue in Sale of food and beverages e g at sports festivals Christmas markets 1 174 n c 40 3 Course fees 1 167 17 8 Services for members for payment rental of pitch hall or similar 1 115 12 1 Advertising contracts for perimeter boards 815 18 2 20 3 Social events e g club ball carnival event 776 18 5 28 3 Services from leasing rental of club owned facilities 695 14 0 Services for non members for pay ment rental of pitch hall or similar 541 11 8 Reimbursements subsidies from health insurance companies 521 n c 4 8 Advertising contracts for jersey equipment 450 12 4 Credits 366 1 8 Subsidies from the federal state 339 19 0 Subsidies from the friends associ ation 339 5 7 Advertising contracts for displays ads 327 12 1 Subsidies from sports organisations federations 321 17 8 Asset management e g interest income 300 18 8

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