14 Sport Development Report for Germany 2017 2018 Part 1 Organisations If in addition to the mean value one also looks at the dis tribution of agreement with the given categories of the clubs self conception the following picture emerges see Fig 3 and Fig 4 Most sports clubs 65 fully agree with the statement that they value community and are involved in children s and youth sport 62 At least half of the clubs also fully agree with the state ments that they attach importance to democratic participation in the club 54 that they attach importance to the qualification of the trainers and coaches 51 and that they attach importance to improving what they have done so far 50 see Fig 3 It is also interesting to look at the rejections The strongest level of disagreement among the clubs self conception is regarding their involvement in doping prevention 36 do not agree at all and in the prevention of match or competition collusion2 30 cf Fig 4 Attention should also be paid to the following findings 23 of the clubs do not agree at all with the statement that they are com mitted to child protection and the prevention of sexualised violence Furthermore 24 of the clubs do not agree with the statement that they are involved in work with children and young people outside sport3 Moreover 17 of sports clubs in Germany do not agree at all that they are committed to people with a migration background and 25 do not agree at all that they are involved with refugees cf Fig 4 In addition almost a quarter of the clubs do not agree or tend not to agree at all that they are involved in sports for senior citizens4 2 One explanation for the non agreement in the two areas mentioned above could be that the respective clubs are not or hardly ever involved in high performance and competitive sports and therefore see no or hardly any need for a commitment to doping prevention and the prevention of match and competition collusion 3 One explanation for the non agreement in the two areas mentioned above could be that the respective clubs focus primarily on adults and thus the relevance of child protection the prevention of sexualised violence and involvement in youth work outside sport is less strong Factors specific to the sport type can also play a role here 4 Here too it should be noted that there are likely to be sport specific differences with regard to involvement in senior citizens sport in particular although these have not been evaluated in a differentiated manner here

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