13Summary the most important facts in brief Sports clubs in Germany More than just exercise feel more competent show a higher willingness to take part in further training receive higher expense allowances are more satisfied with their own performance Training for the activity as a board member and coach or trainer is therefore important not only to obtain the necessary qualifications but also to feel personally more confident in carrying out the activity A qualification benefits both the individuals themselves and the clubs The aim of clubs and sports associations should therefore be to convince coaches and trainers of the value of qualification The willingness to acquire qualifications can be increased by having a contact person in the club who is responsible for further and advanced training a caretaker Such a person is present in about 41 of the clubs Infrastructure Use of own and public sports facilities Sports clubs in Germany use both club owned facilities 40 9 of clubs and public mainly municipal sports facilities 63 5 of clubs About half of the clubs that use municipal facilities have to pay a fee to use them

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