24 WHO 2015b Strategie der Europäischen Re gion der WHO zur Bewegungsförderung 2016 2025 http www euro who int de health top ics disease prevention physical activ ity publications 2016 eurrc659 physical activity strategy for the who european region 20162025 last retrieved on 06 01 2020 Weltgesundheitsorganisation Regionalkomitee für Europa 65 Tagung Vilnius Litauen 2015 WHO 2018 Physical activity factsheet for the 28 european union members ot the WHO European region World Health Organiza tion Regional Office for Europe Kopenha gen WHO 2020 10 key facts on physical activity in the WHO European Region http www euro who int en health top ics disease prevention physical activ ity data and statistics 10 key facts on physical activity in the who european re gion last retrieved on 06 01 2020 WHO 2020 Metrics Disability Adjusted Life Year DALY https www who int healthinfo global bu rden disease metrics daly en last re trieved on 14 01 2020

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