17 adult population and are not reported in the detailed analysis However they are included in the calculation of the fulfilment of endurance activity through sport Tab 2 Detailed consideration of frequently practiced sports Rank Pop Share in to tal Of which percent age of people who have taken part in sport in the last four weeks Number of sports units per week without 0 aver age values Average duration per sports unit in minutes without 0 average values Cycling 1 36 56 2 4 42 Swimming 2 36 33 0 8 56 Fitness 3 24 67 2 0 56 Running Jogging 4 24 60 1 7 54 Hiking 5 24 38 1 4 75 Bowling 6 19 23 0 5 108 Gymnastics 7 15 75 1 6 33 Football 8 13 38 1 7 71 Health Sport 9 12 67 1 7 42 Dancing 11 10 37 1 1 82 Pilates Yoga etc 12 9 64 1 4 39 Nordic walking 14 8 57 1 8 47 Source Sports Satellite Account SSA of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy BMWi and the Federal Institute for Sports Science BISp calculations and presentation 2HMforum German population 2017 representative sample N 1 222 aged 16 and over The minimum number of cases for the detailed considerations is Nmin 30 i e sports with a lower number of cases than Nmin 30 in the sample in the relevant period last four weeks are not considered The sports billiards and dancing rank 10 and 13 were not practiced to a statistically sufficient extent during the survey period At least once in 2017 The proportion of the population that has taken part in the sport at least once a year does not correspond to the frequency of sports that have been practiced within the last four weeks For example only one third of the swimmers stated that they had also swum in the previous four weeks while two thirds of the fitness enthusiasts practice this sport more regularly In general fitness or health related sports such as Pilates yoga gymnastics or health sports are practiced on a regular basis The column Number of sports units per week gives further information about the regularity with which the sports are practiced Cyclists cycle on average 2 4 times per week while bowling is only done every two weeks on average 0 5 times per week As a rule the sports under con sideration are practiced 1 to 2 times a week Relevant for the calculation of the critical endurance activity according to the WHO recommen dations is also the number of minutes and the intensity spent per training or activity unit As also shown in table 2 the average duration of a bowling unit is about 108 minutes and thus more than three times as much as an average gymnastics unit with 33 minutes Yoga or Pilates and health sports as well as cycling are also at the lower end of the range of sports considered here with about 40 minutes of activity per sports unit For swimming fitness and running an av erage of almost one hour is invested per sports unit

Vorschau Der Beitrag des Sports zur Erfüllung der WHO-Empfehlungen - EN Seite 19
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