Halbmond Carpet Magazin Seite 9

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Oile Ois MrieUKs ere s ill MHs HsleeW Ois HlHrT clVcR NVes VMM H HT VU SH rKH TVrUiUNs TOe clHssiÄ eK HKs MVr cHrs reX i reK Ois H eU iVU E eU iU Ois Ä UHl eHrs H scOVVl Oe Hs Hl H s VU Oe lVVRV MVr rHre cHrs TOis WHssiVU s ill OHs OiT Hs Ä rTl iU i s OrHll VKH eHrs lH er s HU iU erUH iVUHl KeHler iU clHssic cHrs Oe is WHr VM H sTHll e cl si e circle VM WrV iKers e is iU eres eK iU Oe sWeciHl Oe UiX e HUK Ois Oe KeTVUs rH eK VUce HNHiU iU 01 H Oe TECHNO CLASSICA iU EsseU Oe VrlKºs leHKiUN rHKe MHir MVr iU HNe clHssic HUK Wres iNe H VTVIiles OU Ois s HUK el ScO e WreseU eK H U TIer VM UiX e TV Kels iU HU e ceW iVUHl se iUN TOese Hl HIle e OiIi s ereUº WlHceK VU Q s HU rHKe MHir Å VVriUN Oe ere KisWlH eK V lVVR Oeir Ies VU H cHrWe MrVT Oe Xtra Design Collection I HlITVUK O r e cl si e cHrWe s Tee Oe TVs e reTe reX ireTeU s WHr ic lHrl iU KesiNU VMMeriUN H IrVHK sWec r T VM iUKi iK Hl KesiNU HUK WriU WVssiIili ies isi Vrs V Oe s HUK iU EsseU ere s rWriseK HUK iTWresseK I H cHrWe iU H cVlV reK cVUcre e KesiNU H r l UiX e WlH MVrT MVr Oese TVKels I he arpet 4agaaine TOe HrWe MHNHaiUe 1 I e is Kri eU I WHssiVU TecOUV lHssicH EsseU rends highlights and impulses IUsWiriUN IrVcO res ircles iU MV iVU HUK iU HNe S le intage Style is V r lH es HKKi iVU Ue KesiNU series OH rHces Oe WHs KeliIe rH el WlH iUN i O Oe siNUs VM iTe HUK le iUN s Meel i s VriNiUs Circles in Motion is H cVllec iVU OicO OHrTVUiV sl eTIrHciUN Hll liUes i O circles cVTIiUiUN WlH M l creH i i HUK cleHrl s r c reK s s eT cVU eTWVrHr cVTIiUH iVU VM MVrTHl liUes HUK relH H iVU iU Oe rVVT s HrcOi ec re OrKer V r lH es IrVcO res MrVT Oe CA97ET DESI N IDE HUK KiscV er Oe WVssiIili ies VM iUKi iK Hll cVlV reK KesiNUs SVl iVUs OH IleUK WerMec l i O V r V U KesiNU cVUceW HUK leUK e WressiVU V Oe UiX e UH re VM V r WrVWer HUK WrVQec Vr M r Oer iUMVrTH iVU HUK KesiNU e HTWles isi www halbmond de 3e V rselM Ie iUsWireK KiscV er Ue WersWec i es HUK Ie Oe Ä rs V see Oe Ue reUKs O r Ue 97ET DESIGN GUIDE WreseU s iUKi iK Hl KesiNU e HTWles cVlV r VrlKs HUK iU eriVrs s eHKil NrV iUN cVTWeUKi T i is HlsV H cVUs HU sV rce VM MresO iKeHs TOe WerMec elcVTe MVr V r c s VTers With individual advertising logo and door mats by Halbmond With the new production line Halbmond carpet works has signifi cantly increased its range his e pansion is the ne t step in the companyºs consistent strategy of putting its offer and the company on an even broader product base With the clear aim of offering customers even more variety and contemporary options in design It is also signifi cant that the entire manufacturing process from production of the surface material and printing to the combination with the rubber layer takes place within the company lways with the maximum fl exibility and the ability to respond Xuickly ake advantage of the lead this will give you he focus is on providing top Xuality and washable mats with options for indivi dual designs 79O as high performance mats for industrial use TO7 for entrance areas with a high advertising effect and the optimum cleaning function T9END with a high resolution print of even the fi nest detail ASE also in overlengths of up to metres and as incentives In a wide range of standard siaes up to cm and your mats will be delivered in Qust a few days end for our current mat brochure or fi nd out more in the Internet at www halbmond de Individually printed mats 7 OV V s 1 VH cO iT 9 es cO er MV rK 7 OV V s 1 VH cO iT 9 es cO er MV rK arpet in concrete look tra ollection 01DESIGNG U I D E c i r c l e s I N M O T I O N 0 DESIGNG U I D E i U H Ne S T 3 E

Vorschau Halbmond Carpet Magazin Seite 9