Halbmond Carpet Magazin Seite 3

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EDITORIAL 2 0 he arWet 4agaaine 2 he arWet 4agaaine 2 0 uests e Werience the architecturaS conceWt aSS o er the hoteS as here in the corridors Sheraton Pelikan Hotel anno er coTWSeteSy uniXue 0 5 9 o o reTeTIer o r Ä rZt WroWer Wen at ZJhool 0t Tight e en ha e been one of the ones ith the big hite bird on it in hich case this hoteS iSS bring bacR TeTories and WerhaWs e en taRe you bacR in tiTe eScoTe to the Sheraton Pelikan oteS in ano er his estabSishTent forTerSy the hoTe of the eSS Rno n É7eSiRan fountain Wens is no an unusuaS designer hoteS hen the iTWressi e buiSding as fi rst constructed at the beginning of the 20th century as a factory for riting utensiSs the architecture of the tiTe ith reinforced concrete this at the tiTe as considered re oSutionary 0t Wro ided the orRers ith bright sWacious Wroduction faciSities that ere uniXue at the tiTe and today 0ndi iduaS design eSeTents are Rey features of the generous rooTs ear 9eaders Normality is a paved road It is comfortable to walk but no fl owers grow on it I like these words by Vincent van Gogh because they refl ect my own idea of the creation of designs Carpet designs that are simply original that discover their own untrodden and individual trails away from typical roads leading in their appearance colours and patterns And this is my philosophy in my work as a textile designer at Halbmond Above all I follow our customers and their thoughts impressions and ideas in their desire for an unique and very personal carpet Let yourself be inspired by art exhibitions seek inspiration in nature and sketch your ideas You will fi nd new ideas in our latest Carpet Design Guide containing exciting and stimulating pat terns trends colour themes and textures This includes our latest designs collections with Circles in Motion and Vintage Style brochures The Carpet Design Guide is a continuously evolving tool with other design lines being developed and added to these existing themed collections Thus we provide the space and the right setting for your ideas we make your vision of a unique carpet come true I look forward to an exchange and creative dialogue with you With best wishes your Evelyn Dietrich Head of Studio

Vorschau Halbmond Carpet Magazin Seite 3