6 COLD BITES Small finger sandwiches Avocado and chicken per piece 3 Tuna and egg per piece 3 Toast or brioche canapés Brie de Meaux filled with truffle on fruit bread per piece 5 50 Blue cheese mousse and celery per piece 4 Smoked salmon per piece 4 Salmon or tuna tartare per piece 4 Rock lobster medallion with caviar per piece 9 50 Raw ham salami roast beef per piece 4 Spicy beef tartare per piece 4 Duck liver terrine per piece 5 50 Pumpernickel canapés Zucchini cream cheese roll with olives per piece 4 Smoked salmon and dill mustard sauce per piece 5 Profiteroles filled with Fresh cheese and herbs per piece 4 Shrimp cocktail per piece 4 Smoked salmon mousse per piece 4 Small glasses filled with Burrata mousse and tomato confit per piece 5 50 Peas mint panna cotta with crispy chicken per piece 5 50 Tuna and avocado tartare with sesame and soya per piece 5 50 Tuna tartare with wakame salad per piece 5 50 Couscous salad with prawns per piece 5 50 Goose liver mousse with passionfruit jelly per piece 5 50 In an Asian spoon Turnip cabbage taco with guacamole per piece 4 50 Quail egg on cress sauce and salmon caviar per piece 5 50 Tuna tataki with yakumi sauce per piece 5 50 Thai veal salad with mango per piece 7

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